
Microformats in Front Matter

Vocabulary Name

This article demonstrates using microformats terms in front matter, which I started doing in order to self-document my website’s codebase.

My build tools/languages are 11ty, yaml, and nunjucks, but the techniques described below can be adapted to other software tools.

Microformats 2 vocabularies are defined by a root class name, which is an h- prefix followed by the vocabulary name. An article, or post entry, uses h-entry; a review uses h-review; recipe uses h-recipe; etc.

I use those same terms – entry, review, and recipe – in each post’s front matter to categorize it by type:

type: # entry, review, recipe, etc.

Then I insert type into the <body> element’s class attribute. The template extract looks like this:

<body class="h-{{ type }}">


In fact, the webpage you’re reading right now, “Microformats in Front Matter,” has its type set to entry:

type: entry

And the page’s opening <body> tag is

<body class="h-entry">

which makes the page an h-entry.

Entry Properties

The front matter for this post contains more than just type. Here’s an expanded extract:

type: entry
title: Microformats in Front Matter
date: 2025-01-21

Those additional items are inserted as properties of the h-entry. title is the entry’s name, denoted by the p-name class attribute; and date is its published date, marked by dt-published:

<body class="h-entry">

    <h1 class="p-name">Microformats in Front Matter</h1>

    <time class="dt-published" datetime="2025-01-21">
        January 21, 2025

        This article demonstrates using
        <a href="">microformats</a>
        properties and values  <!-- etc. -->

And while the point of this article is to demonstrate using microformats terms in front matter, I break the rule for name and published. More on that at the end of the article.


If I change the post’s front matter type, the microformats root class name changes accordingly. For example, this front matter block

type: recipe
title: Giardiniera
date: 2021-10-14

creates a microformats h-recipe, with the same p-name and dt-published properties referred to above:

<body class="h-recipe">

    <h1 class="p-name">Giardiniera</h1>

    <time class="dt-published" datetime="2021-10-14">
        October 14, 2021

        You can chop vegetables into bite-size pieces
        to make finger food  <!-- etc. -->


For a music recommendation, I set the type to review

type: review
title: “People Funny Boy”
date: 2021-11-20

which produces a microformats h-review:

<body class="h-review">

    <h1 class="p-item">“People Funny Boy”</h1>

    <time class="dt-published" datetime="2021-11-20">
        November 20, 2021

        In 1968, reggae pioneer Lee “Scratch” Perry
        launched his first record label  <!-- etc. -->

The date is again being used as the dt-published property, but the title has a different function. It appears as p-item, i.e., the item being reviewed.


type is not just for individual posts. It’s also useful for a collection of posts, aka a feed:

type: feed
title: BTrem Posts

Here’s the markup for that page:

<body class="h-feed">

    <h1 class="p-name">BTrem Posts</h1> <!-- the name of the feed-->

    <article class="h-entry">
        <h2 class="p-name">
            Microformats in Front Matter  <!-- the name of the h-entry -->
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="2025-01-21">
            January 21, 2025
            This article demonstrates using
            <a href="">microformats</a>
            properties and values

    <article class="h-recipe">
        <h2 class="p-name">
           Giardiniera  <!-- the name of the h-recipe -->
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="2021-10-14">
            October 14, 2021
            You can chop vegetables into bite-size pieces
            to make finger food

    <article class="h-review">
        <h2 class="p-item">
            “People Funny Boy”  <!-- the name of the item in the h-review -->
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="2021-11-20">
            November 20, 2021
            In 1968, reggae pioneer Lee “Scratch” Perry
            launched his first record label

    <!-- more articles -->

This page is a microformats h-feed, that is, a stream of h-entry, h-review, and h-recipe posts. Note that there are multiple p-name items. The first instance – appearing on the <h1> element – comes from the feed’s front matter and serves as the name of the feed itself. The others belong to the nested articles.

Microformats Properties in Front Matter

As I mentioned earlier, name doesn’t appear in my front matter. Neither does published for pages that have a published date. Why not? For starters, it’s conventional in website building tools to use title, not name, as the title of a post. So I go with the convention. And for the specific website tool that I use, date is hardcoded, making published impractical.

That said, I use other microformats properies in my front matter. In a followup article, I’ll demonstrate how I use h-card properties to mark up a post’s location.

This post is syndicated at IndieNews.


I do not explain the technical details of microformats in this article. Instead, I refer you to the following pages on the microformats wiki:


Thanks to

for looking over drafts of this article.


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